more information
Birger norupThrough the last 25 years Birger Norup has held courses in communication, leadership, meditation, positive stress handling, motivation, project management, how to handle difficult people, negotiation technique, conflict management, brain integration, coaching and the UN Global Goals.
The angle is personally with development of the human capacities and how we implement changes in our daily life.
- Danish, English, Swedish, Norwegian, French
CV Birger
- W1983-1990 Skitravel company owner. 2000-5000 clients per year. France, Val d’Isére
- 1990-1992 Music pub/bar in Sweden build from scratch. Local events for companies
- 1992-1994 Leading force behind Copenhagen Park entertaiment Fælledparken. Biggest events: European football championsship and Van Morisson consert
- 1994-2000 CEO in IT company – IT teaching and programming
- 2001-2004 Leaderships-workshops with Will management tools, Psychology based
- 2001-2008 Teaching Creativity and Positiv Psychology for students
- 2001-2014 Teaching in Projectmanagement, Brain-Integration, Meditation, Peace-mediation for goverments, conference-lectures in communication and motivation
- 2009-2016 Office partnership with HeartTeam, based in Copenhagen – working ex. with HeartMath, leadership and coaching
- 2009-2019 Boardmember of international peace organisation (55 countries), working with goverments to establish ministries of peace, (co-president 2013-2016)
- 2016-2019 Creative passion force behind Playing For Good Relations / PlayProp, establishing local team in India.
- 2017-2022 UN 17 GlobalGoals, Teaching and developing learning games for both young, adults and companies.
Workshops and leadership training.
write to me
based in copenhagen - denmark work all around the globe
Telefon: +45 2710 5555